Ritchy Froehlich,
General Manager
India Springs & Form Co., Inc.
1) What parameters do I Have?
- What does my spring fit into?
- What does my spring fit over?
- What is the atmosphere? (Moisture, Saltwater, Heat etc.)
- How is the spring being used/installed?
- Has there ever been a problem before?
2) What are the spring’s physical requirements?
- What are the relaxed/installed lengths?
- How much travel is involved?
- What length are you traveling to? (Length/Deflection)
- What is the max solid/travel height?
- What force is needed at a specified length?
- What type of material is needed?
- What are the end types needed?
- Tight Tolerances Needed?
- Type of winding?
- Type of ends?
- Size/Type of Material?
- Outside Diameter?
- Inside Diameter?
- Free Length?
-Total Coils?
- Solid Height?
- Rate per Inch?
- Load @ Length?
2)What are my Physical Characteristics?
- Size/Type of Material?
- Outside Diameter?
- Inside Diameter?
- Free Length Body/Inside Hooks?
- Total Coils?
- Initial Tension?
- Rate per Inch?
- Load @ Length?
- Max Deflection?
- Gap Lengths of hooks?
Straight Pull?
2) What are my Physical Characteristics?
- Size/Type of Material?
- Outside Diameter?
- Inside Diameter?
- Body Length?
- Total Coils?
- Angle at free position?
- Degrees of deflection?
- Rate Inch/lbs. Per Degree?
- Max degrees of Deflection?
- Closewound or Pitched?